Phoenix Valley Punk Rock History and Archive for 1980 Era Bands and Artists

Punk Lives in Arizona - You have found and you are looking at archives from musicians, photographers and artists from the 80's

 the 80's always brings back memories of classic pop rock and progressive rock music. One sure thing that was cooking like crazy in the Valley of the Sun at that time---as well as other States and Countries---was the anarchy movement; displayed as a revolt to social norms by way of music. And of course this music was not to be heard like the other lame (now elevator music) type of sound the 1980 era reminds most of. Nope, these punkers were playing raging sounds that many would not even consider classifying as musical talent. Wrong! It takes a certain intellect and a particular type of artistic creativity to "punk-out" and at the same time make a statement that will ring hard and loud.

take a look inside from the menu at right to find out about bands and artist =====>

Doug Clark, the quintessential Valley PunkerBaby Watch Tower, Victory Acres gig flyer Consumers. This was how we advertised. No stinking Internet
Not the Beatles, BAckstage VenueOn Klub flyer Sunset Blvd not AZ, but AZ band Xstreams Trout-O-Rama
Meat Puppets should ring a bell-hard core in the 80sAbsolutely the loudest and proudest: Frank Discussion Xorama, like Woodstock only no hippies
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