Goals Ready In Progress In Review Back Log Features Simple example of an Agile project manager table: Goals Ready In Progress In Review eCommerce Add plugin waiting on prices Update Images Have 1st images Need fill object (faces) Concept – Projects are envisioned and prioritized Inception – Team members are identified, funding is put in place, and initial environments and
View Article...Category: Website Modification
Category: Website Modification Importance of a Project Brief for Website Creation
It can not be stressed enough how important it is to have a complete plan of process for building any new website. At the least what is required would be a Project Brief. The author of a new website would most likely start a Brief using these five elements as a starting point. 1. Goal identification: Determine what goals
View Article...Category: Website Modification Over 85 percent shopped online worldwide
“MORE THAN 85 PERCENT of the world’s online population (875 million) has used the Internet to make a purchase – increasing the market for online shopping by 40 percent in the past two years…” according to a Nielsen Global Online Survey reported early this year. How do these Internet users select their shopping sites? Nielsen’s statistics reveal some interesting facts.
View Article...Category: Website Modification Various Methods of Creating a Project Brief
Creating a website project and explaining your needs of what you want done by a freelancer or by a private contractor who specializes in WordPress, might turn out best, in the end, if you are well prepared and have all your ducks in a row when diving into the project. The number one item that can speed up the process
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