Other OnList Settings

Set # of listings on home page

This setting can override the WP blog posts setting for setting how many posts show on the blog page. Blog Posts are controlled by WP Admin and OnList Listings per Page are controlled from OnList settings. See image.

This setting will control how many listings you see on the Main Listing Page and all additional Listings will show as paginated with pagination navigation built into the bottom of every page.

address presentation









Set # characters in excerpt

This setting can help disperse the listing words inside of an Excerpt for the Main Listing Page boxes. Number selector uses “characters” per excerpt and not words. This helps to make more finite paragraph sizes so you can control the amount of content that is displayed on the page.

Set the height of excerpt box

This setting is a height adjustment for the boxes which hold the Excerpt content. You may or may not have to do anything with this setting for most themes. If you theme is behaving funny and you are having trouble with mobile or tablet views, then try using this setting to adjust the height accordingly.

Set text for listing link

The listing link is what shows at the end of content inside of the Excerpt boxes and links to the actual Article (or single post as WP calls it). By default this is just a greater-than sign to appear like a “forward” arrow. You can replace this with text or even three dots (ellipsis).

Check to Show Comments for Listings

OnList plugin uses the built-in WordPress Comments API to display a form area on each listing at the bottom of the listing page. WP Comment API is very robust and can serve as a tool to implement several use case scenarios that will help your customers, visitors and listing owners create a way to communicate.







Comment form can be used to ask questions between site visitor and listing owner.

  • Use for responding to a job listing
  • For bidding
  • Setting up a service call for services
  • Share URLs
  • Share names of ‘interested’ customer/members
  • Writing review about listing
  • Just plain commenting about listing

Checking box to Show Comments for Listings will allow comments to be shown and used globally on your website.

Un-checking Removes comment completely from listings. (existing comments will still be saved in database)

Remember that these comments are separate from WP Posts Comments and do not show in any Blog page posts.

Check to Allow Individual Authors to Choose Response View

If Check to Show Comments is Checked, checking this setting will create a dropdown selector in the listing Editor for Listings; allowing the individual Authors/Owners of listings to have control over whether or not the comment form area is display on their individual listing, or not.

show comments






Every listing an Author has can now have the choice of showing comments or not showing comments. A listing author may turn on the comments/review/advert for one listing they own on your website but may turn off the comment for another separate listing they have on the site.

Check to Show Ratings View

Check box to allow Ratings system on every listing. Un-check to remove.

ratings widget











Enter text for above rating form

Text will show above the OnList Rating form if you add text into this field from the admin settings Options tab. Leaving the field blank will show no wording on the public view of your Single Listings.

This text is handy for many uses.

  • Grade services
  • Rate a song or painting
  • Voting system

Please note that OnList Rating system runs distinct from most systems and is a bit more concise in the results it returns. Ratings are based on a simple One to Five choice range and have half digits for each number… 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5… 4.5, 5. The total can become be more precise than a five Star system. Results are displayed using two digitals after the decimal place. So a rating may show as 4.67 as apposed to 4.5. We just felt it was a nice outside-the-box type of system to use.

Additional OnList Settings

Set # of listings on home page.

Set # characters in excerpt

Set the height of excerpt box

Set text for listing link.

Text for link to listing.

Set height of thumbnail.

additional settings

Check to use default USA States.

Leave Un-Checked to create your own.

Check to Remove Maps from Site.
Set width of map on page
Set height of map on page

Check to Show Ratings View.
Enter text for above rating form

Login Page Title

Upload a Logo or Enter URL

Title for Pay to View

Text for PayToView Title

Page to Direct Pay To View

Redirect for PayToView users list all pages
Recommend the login page with login shortcode. Current Page Id is: 8
OR: Check below to not use the button as PTV but as PopUp modal

Spam Protector Not Pay to View
Check to make information invisible unless user clicks button.
This method avoids scrapers and bots from stealing your email etc.

Brand Logged-In Pages
Check to Remove default dashboard Widgets and Add Colors.
By default dashboard widgets show. Check to replace with a Listing Widget for logged in authors.
Dashboard Colors, below, will not work unless set.

Insert Images into a Listing

Adding text to your listing should be self explanatory, it is a lot like Word or Write where you find the tool at the top of the editor and select the option to change color size and alignment.

Images are a bit more complex and when you get used to how it works you can do a lot of things with images.

Your main image will be added using the “Featured Image” upload box in the lower right corner of the editor page. All you need to do is click on the “Set featured image” link in the box.


img insert

Once you select your picture—via uploading new, or using current images in the Media Saved toolkit—then it will be saved, once you click “Publish” ( or “Update” ). You may always use this image again for additional posts since it will be saved to your Media Library.

To add more images to your listing you should consider the page layout and where you want to add them. You may add them inline—sort of like this instruction page is doing—or you can add the images to the bottom of your listing in a more standardized, common gallery fashion.

Step 1.

Open “Add Media


add media

Step 2. Upload or select images and place as Gallery or simply place one at a time.



Address Presentation

By ticking the button to display address field as a single field will stretch the Address row to take up one row across… normally the Address would be shown as:




Postal Code


address presentation

Initiating single field will spread it out on one line but you may have two lines if the address is longer.

Musee du Louvre, 75001 Paris, France


address showing

You may also choose to not show labels of Address, City, State etc. in the multiple/stacked rows method but, a single row method will not have any labels except the Address label (which can also be turn off—as shown in the example above).


Display Listing Fields

All field names can be changed to fit the purpose of your website. Fields are by default named

Country, (changeable – Shows in a preferred location on listing page.)

Address, (changeable)*

State, (changeable)

City, (changeable)

ZipCode, (name changeable, but must use Postal or Zip if you want to use Maps*)

Phone, (flexible – Must use phone style entry. Security filters set to phone numbers only.)

Email, (must be an email address but not required to fill out on form)

Website (not required and changeable) and last but not least,

Other. (changeable – Shows in a preferred location on listing page.)

Country field






*Map included for each listing uses the Address and Postal/ZipCode fields to calculate the location.


If you change a changeable field to what name you want it to be, the default name/label will be replaced by your new field name. This new field name will show on the listing for each individual single listing pages.

You can select to NOT show a field on the Main Listings Page** to save space in the listing excerpt being displayed.

If checking box, below each field input, field will NOT show on the front-end, Main Listing Page, but, still be available to show on the Single listing page. (Does NOT show on Home but DOES Show on the Single Listing Page.)

not show label


Set Field Name

Leaving a field BLANK will remove it from listing altogether.

If field is left blank then that field will NOT show in the Add Listing dashboard Editor and users will not be able to use that field in the listings at all.


“Owner” label now shows, in the first form field; since the wording “Owner” was added as the new label in admin setup to replace OnList settings field default value of “Country.” (You can replace this field with any name.)

with labels








“Owner” label and field is now removed by leaving field blank in admin OnList Listings tab.

label gone








**Page that has the shortcode [onlist-listings] (The main directory page).